We are an independent member-based charity peak body dedicated to building flourishing communities by enhancing the extraordinary work of Australia’s not-for-profit sector. We do this by changing the way governments, communities and the not-for-profit sector relate to one another.  In particular, this includes establishing a regulatory environment that works for community organisations - not against them. Find out more...



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Governments need to recognise that national security is about much more than international threats. If they focused more attention on the safety of women and less on curtailing freedoms in the name of national security, Australia would not only be safer, but more like the Australia we all want to live in., writes CCA CEO, David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 22 June 2018.

CCA generally welcomes the intention of the amendments proposed by Attorney General, Christian Porter - but calls for areas of uncertainty to be resolved -  and remains confused as to why charities pursuing their charitable purpose are not excluded when business groups, non-charitable peak bodies and others are exempt.  The cost to Australia of reducing international collaboration by charities and their engagement in the public policy process would be extremely high.  Ideally the Bill will exclude Australian registered charities engaged in their normal activities and pursuing their...

The government approach to electoral reform is not about good policy or real reform, it is about maintaining and extending political advantage, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 7 June 2018.

Electoral Reform - in whose interest?​

In the wake of the New Zealand federal budget CCA CEO David Crosbie imagines an Australia where governments also set targets that relate to the kind of Australia we want to live in, Pro Bono News, 24 May

This Budget is about a political contest – with the Government backing self-interest over community interest. When politics dominates, when popularism and nationalism are in ascendancy, good policy making is diminished. Our democracy suffers​, writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 10 May.