We are an independent member-based charity peak body dedicated to building flourishing communities by enhancing the extraordinary work of Australia’s not-for-profit sector. We do this by changing the way governments, communities and the not-for-profit sector relate to one another.  In particular, this includes establishing a regulatory environment that works for community organisations - not against them. Find out more...



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Charity leaders from across the sector joined parliamentarians at Parliament House today, delivering an Open Letter that urged our law makers not to silence community voices with legislation that conflates advocacy for good policy with political campaigning.  

Charities serving our communities are about to be hamstrung by paranoia and legislation that misses its mark. ‘Surely a clever outward looking Australia can do better than copying ineffective US legislation from the 30s and 60s?’ writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News.

Telling charities they should diversify their income streams is a little like telling football teams they should score more goals – much easier said than done. There is no magic wand a charity CEO can wave across their organisation to suddenly deliver multiple income sources. But there are new income options that might be worth exploring, writes CCA CEO David Crosie in Pro Bono News, 1 March 2018.

CCA's submission outlines key issues in relation to the past performance and future direction of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC) with a focus on possible legislative changes.

Why are we creating a new stolen generation?  CCA CEO David Crosbie writes in Pro Bono News that this week should have been one of leadership - bringing less shame, less need to apologise again to our Indigenous peoples. But it wasn’t. How far have we come since Reconciliation?