We are an independent member-based charity peak body dedicated to building flourishing communities by enhancing the extraordinary work of Australia’s not-for-profit sector. We do this by changing the way governments, communities and the not-for-profit sector relate to one another.  In particular, this includes establishing a regulatory environment that works for community organisations - not against them. Find out more...



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The ACNC is NOT a marketplace. All the research shows giving to a charity does not involve the same decision-making processes that we might use when purchasing a new toaster or flat screen TV.  Charities are not a commodity, CCA CEO David Crosbie writes in Pro Bono News, 25 October 2018

Everyday across Australia charities take a stand for truth. In thousands of ways, big and small, they work to undermine bigotry, ignorance, oppression and fear. This work has never been more important writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News.

As long as the richest and most powerful have the greatest influence over national policy, the interests of our communities will be poorly reflected in many areas of national policy making.  This week’s Grattan report on access and influence in Australian politics’ highlights many issues. Most importantly, its recommendations are a great starting point for the reforms to national policy making that Australia desperately needs , writes CCA CEO David Crosbie in Pro Bono News, 27 September 2018.

This supplementary submission outlines key areas of concern for the Community Council for Australia (CCA) in relation to the proposed amended Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017.  CCA is pleased that the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) have put forward such comprehensive recommendations and the proposed amendments go a long way to reducing the potential negative impact of the original Bill.  Given CCA has previously provided a submission on the original legislation, this supplementary submission will make only four key...

This submission outlines key areas of opportunity and concern for the Community Council for Australia (CCA) in relation to the proposed Australian Charities External Conduct Standards.  CCA welcomes the opportunity to engage with The Treasury on this very important issue.