Charities Crisis Cabinet Letter to Prime Minister and National Cabinet, 27 July 2021

Dear Prime Minister, We believe there are six issues that could quickly and effectively be addressed should your government choose to prioritise the needs of communities facing lockdowns across Australia. Charities large and small are a critical part of Australia’s economic and social infrastructure, especially in times of emergency or crisis.  You have recognised this role in some of the measures put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we welcome this recognition. As you frame policies in critical areas including vaccine roll out and beyond, charities are keen and ready to be included in policy discussions and to contribute to the development and design of new initiatives.  Charities and not-for-profits want to be part of the solution, part of rebuilding our communities and boosting our economy.

Charities Crisis Cabinet Letter to Prime Minister and National Cabinet, Charities seeking to work with government on critical COVID-19 responses