CCA Federal Budget Submission 2017-18

This submission outlines nine measures the Community Council for Australia (CCA) believes will significantly strengthen Australia’s not-for-profit (NFP) sector and drive real economic savings for government over the coming financial year and beyond.  These measures have been informed by consultation with CCA members (listed in Attachment A) and key organisations in the NFP sector.  

It is important to note that this submission does not override the policy positions outlined in any individual Federal budget submissions from CCA members. 

The content of this submission includes: a brief background to CCA; a listing of proposed measures; an overview of the current issues for the NFP sector; further details about the proposals including likely costs; and a conclusion. 

CCA acknowledges the need for fiscal restraint and the growing demand for government services.  CCA proposes a major government revenue boosting measure (estate duty) as well as incentives to promote philanthropy and strengthen our communities (such as the French 90/10 superannuation rule). 

If Australia is to be a just and fair society where we increase collective ownership of local issues and build flourishing communities, there needs to be a genuine commitment to supporting reforms across the charities and not-for-profit sector from government and other key stakeholders.  This is not about providing more funding to the sector, but about encouraging and supporting more effective and efficient organisations delivering better outcomes for our communities. 

CCA welcomes this opportunity to provide input into the Federal Budget process and to engage in detailed discussion about any issues this submission raises.